GusJanuary 15, 2012
Wow, the militarization of pro sports in Canada. The point is what?
A$$B|oodJanuary 20, 2012
First the Jets logo, now this.
Sieg Heil, fuhrer Cherry!
scJanuary 23, 2012
_The point is what?_
A few years ago, the Calgary Stampede learned through their market research that there’s a strong correlation between the type of person who’ll pay to attend live rodeo events and the type who enjoys watching NASCAR — and sure enough, they explicitly linked the two in their advertising the next year.
So despite the [now-common claim](http://sports.espn.go.com/espn/page2/story?page=lukas/090514) that camo sports jerseys are simply and purely a way to “honour the troops,” I wouldn’t be the least bit surprised if this re-branding is the result of _exactly_ that sort of market understanding. (Except that here, the correlation was likely borne of intuition rather than formal research. After all, our national pastime, for example, has never been a particularly _pacifist_ sport….)