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ianJuly 17, 2009
I’m not meaning to be harsh but I’ve been reading this blog now for just under a year and im often shocked at some of the work that gets posted. I mean this IS NOT a good logo design but any stretch of the imagination and I’ve see countless other work of this same quality or less getting posted all the time.
I’m not saying its 100% of the time however In the end its starting to feel like the contributors don’t have a sense of much great current and Canadian design is out there right now. Just go to a degree show and you can see it.
ianJuly 17, 2009
Sorry for the double post but I felt like I should stress that my feelings aren’t that common but more so in the logo department. I went through all work posted within the last 2 months but the only work i consider questionable is the following other then that I truly love this site.
T FalkowskyJuly 17, 2009
Thanks for the note.
Without sounding defensive, the Canadian Design Resource is a process, not an end point. We daily put up Canadian material culture/design and expose it to the public. The users, like you just did, comment on the merits of the work displayed and hopefully create some conversation around the work. Through this dialogue we can identify the pieces that are worth celebrating, and the parts that would benefit from applying sound creative process. This transfer of knowledge will encourage people to use design more often (and avoid poor choices), and give them some benchmarks of what makes up excellent design.
As far as your comment, what is it that you do not like about this piece, or the other pieces? Your opinions are important to us but remember that it is a small organization, a non-profit, that probably has never hired (no budget for it) or worked with a designer ever, and that in some circles, this folksy handmade graphic would be considered fresh. If this was on a music CD would we be so critical.
In the end, having great work beside weaker work gives them both context and makes our site unique and useful. The site is not some testimonial to great design or good taste, I am not a curator, rather the site is an ongoing resource to debate and analyze design in Canada, good and bad.
Keep the comments and thoughts coming.
Hannah WiseJuly 17, 2009
Personally, I think this logo is quite understated and lovely. “Folksy” is a good adjective, and I find it…almost humourous that the maple leaf and Canada Geese are in a logo for something that we think of as “high-tech”.
I get what Ian was saying, but once you dig a little deeper, there’s more than just tacky logo to be said for a lot of what’s on this site. And in any case, the dialogue is often what’s so amazing about the CDR!
– Hannah Wise
C GordenJuly 17, 2009
As a past member of the CASI, I remember hearing that the root source for this work is in the style of the nose and tail bomber art common from war time aircraft and ground vehicles. This organization has a load of scientists and a ton of pilots, so I am pretty sure that this is where the inspiration for their logo comes from. You are also quite right, I am sure that a designer was never contacted to be involved.
Ian eh?July 17, 2009
Go to a degree show to see great current Canadian design? Been to one, lately, Ian? I have and it wasn’t anything to write home about. But that’s not the point.
As Todd said, the CDR isn’t just about showing the world excellent design (by whose standards anyway?). it’s about exposing Canadian design in all its forms, styles and states (sweet, smart, funny, gong show, beautiful, grotesque). And then we get to discuss – that’s the beauty of it!
For some great ones, Ian, check out the Everwear Pots and Pans post, the Chalet glass post, or the Clairtone post. This is an awesome community!
catherine tobenasApril 28, 2012
When was this design made. AND BY WHOM
Thank you