
Allan CollierMay 25, 2009
Fantastic piece. We need to be assembling some comprehensive survey of this person and his work (paintings, plaques, ceramics, lamps) I have a few pieces and would be willing to send off some pictures to those interested. What can you add to the total picture?
CharlesLecoursNovember 2, 2009
We just met this morning with M Chalvignac to gather info . We are member of the CCCQ (CLUB COLLECTIONNEUR CERAMIQUE DU QUEBEC) . Chalvignac made the Paris Beaux-arts school , studied mostly sculpture . He arrived in Qc in 1958 . We are currently working on writing a brief history of his carreer . We will keep you posted . Best regards Charles
cathy chalvignacNovember 3, 2009
j ai parle avec mon pere hier et il m afait part de votre visite.j aimerais bien moi aussi avoir des photos de son travail passe! Je peux egalement vous donner des informations si vous le desirez.tenez moi au courant de ce que vous ecrirez sur lui. merci d avance catherine chalvignac
Allan CollierNovember 12, 2009
Charles et Cathy I just noticed your comments regarding M Chalvignac. Please contact me when you have assembled information on this interesting artist. I am going to include his work in an exhibition on craft and design in Canada(1945-80) that I am working on for the Art Gallery of Greater Victoria in 2011. I will post some more items on CDR. Allan PS Can I leave my email? [](
Ed BurkeJanuary 2, 2010
I was a manufacturers agent for Maurice Chalvignac for about 18 years, servicing B.C. and Alberta. I sold to furniture stores and lighting stores plus showed Chalvignac Ceramics at Furniture West (trade show) in Calgary for a number of years. I even opened a lamp store in Vernon, B.C. for a year or so selling almost exclusively the entire Chalivignac line of lamps, wall plaques, vases, dishes, ashtrays, light fixtures, etc.and his huge chip lamp base floor lamps with black rope shades and fibreglass inserts. I still remember many of the colour numbers that were assigned to each item. You could purchase most pieces in one matching colour, very unique for that time period. The plaques on black velvet sold well too. My best selling lamp was the L814, yes I still remember. Yes, I knew Maurice quite well but Giovani Liva was his foreman who really made the finished product. Maurice designed it but Giovani finished it, they were a great team. Giovani was trained in Italy, another fine gentleman. Wonderful people to work with. I was to Maurice’s home on the banks of the St. Lawrence I believe. The factory was in North Montreal. I might even have some old photo’s of some of his products around my place somewhere. My annual sales were approx. $100,000 to $200,000 a year. I see some of the custom dealer store ashtrays I sold at garage sales and in thrift stores from time to time, brings back a lot of very good memories. Ed Burke – World Traders Ltd., Kelowna, BC
Rémi DumasJanuary 7, 2010
Hi Allen,Cathy,and Charles. I have a very great interet for the Chalvignac beautiful céramique. Have about 100 distinctives pieces in my collection and have interrest to collaborate at a work for related the incrédible production of this great artist. I live at Québec City and my english is very bad. Also if Cathy Chalvignac or Charles Lecours are interrest to communicate with me, my email address is [](
Allan CollierJanuary 31, 2010
Hi Ed I was interested in what you had to say about M Chalvignac. As noted above, I am curating an exhibition on craft and design in Canada (2011) and am eager to put together as much information on M Chalvignac as possible, including company brochures pictures, or sales information. Would you be able to help me here? If so, please contact me directly through my email, as above. Thank you. Allan
roseyMarch 26, 2010
Have a piece of this pottery with an intact label also on it. Believe it is an Ashtray. Nice colors, and nice to learn some more about this interesting Canadian Pottery. If you would like to see some pics — please contact me via this board. Thanks
Elisabeth TremblayApril 13, 2010
Je viens de faire l’acquisition d’une oeuvre de Monsieur Chalvignac. C’est un très grand vase, allongé, sur pattes, avec le même motif de la photo ci-dessus. Il a encore l’étiquette avec le code 109-10 écrit au stylo. Il est superbe !
AlexSeptember 19, 2010
Allo!! Je suis du Saguenay, je viens d’acheter un tableau ( plaque de bois de teck approx.12″x36′ représentant une scene de deux femmes devant un feu de camp (en potterie) []( Je peux vous envoyer une photo si cela peut vous aider
Evelyn LafondOctober 2, 2010
J’ai une paire de lampes de table de Maurice Chalvignac. Elles sont vermillion et marron, couleurs très en vogue ou cours des années ’70 et de nouveau maintenant. Elles sont intactes. Quelqu’un est-il intéressé?
tomOctober 14, 2010
whats a plaques of chalvignac worth?
JWNovember 17, 2010
I have an absolutely awesome and uniquely shaped table lamp by Maurice Chalvignac in the same pattern as the ashtray that is shown. Found it at a store in Vernon,BC
Warren PowellFebruary 5, 2011
I found my first piece (actually pieces) of Chalvignac pottery, in this case a beautiful free form wall placque made of many pieces depicting a horse and chariot with figure lashing a whip. It is mounted on a board with a separate tile signature. Any information someone could provide would be appreciated, and I would love to share pictures with anyone interested.
karenOctober 12, 2011
I recently discover Chalvignac’s work and have a large wall plaque depiciting 2 hands playing a piano/keyboard with a single music note. I am looking for more information about the piece and it’s age. Please advise, thanks!
Rémi BoilyMarch 27, 2012
écette fin de semaine, j\`ai fiat l: acquisition de 3 plaqies murakes de céramique Chalvignac. Une de ces pièces est une belle guitare de 27 x 8 pouces de largeur. Les 2 autres comprenant chacune 9 tuiles,soit de 12 pouces carrés représente un danseur et une danseuse. Ces 3 plaques murales sont à vendre.\` Du à un problème informatique, communiquez par téléphone, si intéressé. 1-418-547-8393
LaurieApril 25, 2012
While doing some spring selling via Kijiji I happened to google info on a lamp I’ve had for 8 years that was given to me by a neighbour. It has a label on it that says Maurice Chalvignac. I believe it still has it’s original shade. It is in great condition. I was just wondering where I might get it appraised. If you can help and need to see pictures you may email me. [](
MickeyDecember 11, 2012
Chalvignac pottery is a particular favorite of mine—I have three wonderful pieces and wish I had the room and budget for much more. I’ve started a pinterest board in an effort to document the range of work by him and his studio. If anyone has a great image to submit, I’d welcome it! <> Thank you/merci!
Karen S.January 26, 2013
I have added another picture on pinterest if you are interested – it is under Maurice Chalvignac Harlequins on my boards if you want to repin it.
Karen S.January 26, 2013
I added the pin link above for the Harlequins because I couldn’t find it on a search so I think you might have trouble as well. Cheers- Karen
Barbara BarclayApril 18, 2013
Putting together an exhibit on 20th century Canadian pottery for the Beaurepaire-Beaconsfield Historical Society in Montreal’s West Island and have just acquired a vase by Chalvignac and would like more information on him.
Don GraceJune 19, 2013
I used to collect West German pottery and had an extensive collection. I ended up with several pieces of Maurice Chalvignac pottery, which I became fascinated with. I have a number of lamps with original shades, as well as several vases and ashtrays. I saw previous comments by Charles Lecours and Cathy Chalvignac regarding his work. I noticed that Allan Collier locally in Victoria had several pieces in a show. Ed Burke’s comments on his sales in Calgary and Vernon were also most interesting. I was wondering if there is any work on this Canadian potter or a catalogue showing the various items that were produced. I would be interested in acquiring pictorial evidence of the various pieces. I have over twenty pieces now and am interested in the more unusual ones. In any case, I would appreciate if anyone could enlighten more at my email address, []( Thanks very much. Don
Margaret KupusaOctober 3, 2017
Did Maurice sign his pieces or use a label? Thank you. Maggy
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