


An ongoing collaboration between Red Flag Design and the Vancouver Art Gallery, this smart project uses the discarded exhibition banners and repurposes the material into unique one off bags for the VAG gallery store. The bags are such a perfect extension of the VAG brand, literally extending the life of their exhibitions and graphic identity into the public sphere, the bags becoming a usable form of urban art. The sourcing and useful development of a previously lost materials, is an ongoing strategy that Red Flag leverages so successfully in their product lines. With our world swimming in excess materials of all kinds, it will be interesting to watch this formula continue to take shape, and to see the wake of brilliant products reach the marketplace.  


Don JoinsonMay 8, 2009
these guys always do great work, but this is REALLY GREAT work! i’m curious how this collaboration came about… who initiated it? smart.
Nicole (@RFD)May 15, 2009
Much discussion had gone on about recycling pvc banners. The design of the bag revolved around the properties of the material. Then one night Stuart was jamming in the basement of the VAG with a friend who works in the A/V department there. He suggested to Stuart that we take the banners they had been stepping over for years. Thus was the beginning of a beautiful symbiotic relationship. We are very pleased with the outcome of this project and interested in growing the concept. If anyone has access to beautiful banners that are no longer useful to them, we would love to give them new life as beautiful bags (for you to market as you wish.) Get in touch! <>
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