Adding to John’s post on the CBC hack from London and Stella Artois, here is a pic from the CDR’s twitter account(Via Lauren Elgee). Exciting times for the ‘exploding pizza’ created by Burton Kramer. Remixing is alive and well and it looks like Canadian design is a well of great sources!
Michael ErdmannSeptember 29, 2009
I like the way this one plays off of the iPod controls… may be a questionable use in terms of legality (wonder if Apple actually knows the source material?), but this makes a lot more sense than the stella ad.
Douglas HaddowSeptember 30, 2009
This is really lame. It’s not homage, not even really a theft, just a lazy bastardization.
Joshua K.October 1, 2009
I thought we were done with geo ‘leaves’.